Selecting the Zain Africa Challenge Scholars Team
The process of selecting the team has three sequential steps:
- Conduct Student Tryout Tests, open to all students (1-2 weeks).
- Select 12-20 students to be part of the Zain Africa Challenge Club and practice together ( 2-4 weeks).
- Select the final four players who will represent the university at the National Qualifying Tournament and complete their training (1-2 weeks).
Finding and selecting the best team requires planning and effort, by both the Coach and the players. Good teams are formed of smart students, who
know the rules of the game and understand
how to play.
Great teams understand that practice games
should be used to learn how teammates play,
which combinations of players are the most
successful and which strategies are necessary
and/or effective in winning a game.
When analysing which players to invite to join the Zain Africa Challenge Club, consider these factors:
- Knowledge base: Players must be strong in at least 2-3 of the key content areas in the game. The results of the Student Tryout Tests should be considered both in total points scored and by analysing which topics the candidate students did well on.
- English fluency: As the game is played in English and is extremenly fast-paced, the ability to read, hear and speak English is critical.
- Maturity & commitment: Not all potential candidates will be able to make the time commitment or have the discipline to attend practice sessions and prepare for the competition.
Once the Zain Africa Challenge Scholars Club has practiced together, the Coach selects the final four players who will represent the uiversity at the National Qualifying Tournament. By this time, the coach will have assessed and ascertained these factors about the desired players:
- Are they available for the dates of the National Qualifying Tournament and if the team advances, the dates of the International Championship and Festival?
- Are they available for continued practice sessions?
- Which four players cover the maximum knowledge base?
- Which four players have bonded and work cohesively as a team?
- Make sure that all the players meet the player eligibility requirements.